Thursday, January 4, 2007


..."He then says; “Yes, there was one article in the journal Foreign Affairs that suggested further reducing trade barriers and economic obstacles in the style of the European Union . . . ” He fails to say that there is a whole taskforce at CFR called Creating a North American Community and one of the leaders of that task force is Dr. Robert A. Pastor the author of the 2001 book, "Toward a North American Community", where he also advocated the creation of a North American Union and creation of a common NAU currency, the Amero, as first proposed by Canadian economist Herbert Grubel. Nor does he mention that the taskforce has produced at least three reports including one calling for tri-national working groups to harmonize regulations, rules, and standards, and another praising the three countries for creating the suggested working groups under the title of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. "...


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