Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Corporate Rights Deal to Make Us April Fools

..."What TILMA is actually intended to do is to advance another, much larger agenda, the one often referred to as "deep integration" and now a formal agreement between the three NAFTA partners. It's called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). The SPP will see Canada effectively harmonize virtually every important area of public policy with the U.S.: defence, foreign policy, energy (they get security, we get greenhouse gases), culture, social policy, tax policy, drug testing and safety and much more.

But to "harmonize" Canadian public policy with the U.S. requires massive deregulation across the country. Much of that regulation is provincial and municipal, over which Ottawa has no control. That's where TILMA comes in. I have to admit it's clever, if they ultimately get away with it. Prepare the country for assimilation into the U.S. by promoting an agreement that claims to be about domestic, inter-provincial trade."...


Resolution urges U.S. to withdraw from a North American union

..."HJR 7, Resolution Urging United States Withdrawal from Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, R-Orem. This resolution of the Legislature urges the United States to withdraw from the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and any other activity which seeks to create a North American Union."...


Lawmakers seek to block NAFTA superhighway system, continental integration

..."The Spanish investment consortium, Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A., owned by the Madrid-based Groupo Ferrovial, is funding the construction of TTC-35 and will lease the highway for 50 years. To prevent more such foreign leasing of U.S. highways, HCR 40 notes as a risk that "a NAFTA Super Highway would likely include funds from foreign consortiums and be controlled by foreign management, which threatens the sovereignty of the United States."

Regarding SPP, HCR 40 states "reports issued by the SPP indicate that it has implemented regulatory changes among the three countries that circumvent United States trade, transportation, homeland security, and border security functions and that the SPP will continue to do so in the future."

Further, HCR 40 charges "the actions taken by the SPP to coordinate border security by eliminating obstacles to migration between Mexico and the United States actually makes the United States-Mexico border less secure, because Mexico is the primary source country of illegal immigrants into the United States."

The resolution calls for Congress to express its sentiment that:"...


CCLA welcomes border investment but wants additional issues addressed

..."Adopting a harmonious level for LVS in Canada with the U.S. would be consistent with commitments made by Canada under the Security & Prosperity Partnership (SPP) to harmonize border procedures with the US and Mexico in the interests of promoting economic growth, competitiveness and quality of life,” according to CCLA.

The Canadian Courier & Logistics Association (CCLA) represents couriers and time-sensitive logistics service providers operating in Canada. CCLA member companies have combined annual revenues of over $3.4 billion. These companies operate close to 12,000 vehicles, numerous aircraft and maintain over 470 operational centres across Canada."....


Monday, January 15, 2007

North America The Energy Picture II

North American Energy Working Group of the
Security and Prosperity Partnership

.."On March 23, 2005, Canadian Prime
Minister Paul Martin, Mexican President
Vicente Fox, and U.S. President George
W. Bush announced the Security and
Prosperity Partnership (SPP or the
Partnership) in Waco, Texas. In order to
achieve the SPP’s broader commitment
of ensuring security and enhancing
development in North America, the SPP
included six Security Working Groups
and 10 Prosperity Working Groups,
designed to promote greater cooperation
and information sharing in various areas,
including a prosperity working group
focused on energy.
In energy, it was agreed by all three
countries that the cooperative efforts
under the SPP would continue to occur
under the ongoing North American
Energy Working Group (NAEWG),1
with new initiatives to be added as part
of the recently established Partnership.
Under the SPP, the energy goals are to
“strengthen North America’s energy
markets by working together, according
to our respective legal frameworks, to
increase reliable energy supplies for the
region’s needs and development, by
facilitating investment in energy
infrastructure, technology
improvements, production and reliable
delivery of energy, by enhancing
cooperation to identify and utilize best"


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Congress, Citizen-Activists Offer Best Hope to Defeat European Union-Style Government for North America

..."As the 110th Congress convenes, supporters of U.S. borders and sovereignty urge more Americans to join Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), Virgil Goode (R-Va.), Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Walter Jones (R-N.C.) in fighting a little known plan to create a North American Union. The scheme would combine the U.S. with Mexico and Canada into a single political and economic system modeled after the European Union. The merger would erase U.S. borders and sovereignty and allow for the free movement of people, products, and capital between the regions by 2010. It would allow unelected bureaucrats and corporate internationalists to "harmonize" U.S. laws with corrupt Mexico and socialist Canada, according to Daniel Sheehy, author of "Fighting Immigration Anarchy: American Patriots Battle to Save the Nation." ...


American Independent Party Opposes North American Union

..."Congress has the exclusive power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations" (Article 1, §8). Congress may not abdicate or transfer to others that constitutional power. We oppose, therefore, the unconstitutional transfer of authority over U.S. trade policy from Congress to agencies, domestic or foreign, which improperly exercise policy-setting functions with respect to U.S. trade policy. Construction of the NAFTA Superhighway System is not within the enumerated powers delegated to Congress, and cannot be rationally construed to be a part of the regulation of commerce between the States, and violates the Tenth Amendment"....
